Thursday, April 5, 2012

Alice WIP

Ms "P", Princess We-We and a new tiny Vampire Alice baby sit a new Ghostie head in the studio.
I was cleaning up one of my many stacks of books and inspiration photos, when I ran across the Alice book from Tim Burtons movie. Of course, instant inspiration!!
I know Alice has been done a zillion times but I never get tired of her!! Here, her blind-eyed and unpainted head waits for the colors that will soon make her come Alive!! Always my favorite part, to see the a character come alive right in front of you...lets hope she still wants to be Alice after she gets her paint...they all have a mind of their own!
Eternally yours,
Gail and the Ghostie Gang


  1. Hi Gail
    What can I say. I am truly honored to have you enter my little giveaway.. Oh Yes, little moussie I am sure would love to sit with Ms. Pennythistle.. Good luck, and thank you!!
    Oh I cannot wait to see the completion on this one! Will check in...


  2. Thanks Penny! Keeping my fingers crossed for littl Moussie!

  3. It is always so much fun to visit here. Can't wait to see your Alice!

  4. Thanks Yve...yes Ms "P" has been quiet...makes me really nervous what she's up to! I can't get my head in her little mouse hole home to find out... I'll have to send Princess We-We in to spy!! LOL!!

  5. Can not wait to see her 'come alive'.
    Absolutely love your dolls!

  6. Peeking in to see the Alice WIP! I just KNOW it's gonna be brilliant! I just wanna suck your brain sometimes! But I'll leave the talent to you since I don't sculpt! Tried! :)

  7. Hi Gail
    Wandered over to see if Alice was completed... No pressure here.. teeehe.

  8. Alice is done, but her companion piece is still struggling to come through, AArrggg! Hopefully it will cooperate and I'll get it posted soon!

  9. Gail,
    Take a deep breath, her companion will come in due time..
    How very sweet of you to come by and leave such a kind note about my princess coach... This is my second coach.. The magic coach (below princess post ) was my first.. A wee moussie is taking a ride in that one. I am so happy you enjoyed and it gave you a smile.
    I will check back soon.

  10. Hi Gail
    I wanted to come over and thank you for leaving me such a sweet note about my princess coach.. I am so happy you enjoyed viewing.

    Wishing you a delightful and safe weekend. I am looking forward to seeing Alice!

  11. Uh oh! Where is Alice???
    Thank you so much for your kind words and most welcome visit Gail. It is always such a joy to see you have come by.
    I will check back tomorrow.. Hope all is well with Alice.

  12. Hello, Gail
    Just stopping in to say hello. Was thinking of you.
    Teresa in California

  13. How sweet of you to stop in for a visit Gail.. Thank you so much for your kind words about Gus.

    Have a great time at Niada in June.
    I hope you are able to share some photos.. Would love to see what you have been creating with that wonderful imagination of yours..
    Thanks again Gail.
    Take care
