Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Work in Two new Publications!

Miss Pennythistle is enjoying reading two new publications my work is in....well.. actually, she doesn't read....she just looks at the pictures!! Miss "P" loves to look at herself in pictures..unlike me! Miss "P" is easily entertained!!
Multi-talented artist Cynjon has put together a wonderful little art zine, with great photos of many different artists doing different types of work. Paintings and sculptures to cute little felted creatures! It features a wide variety of work, something for every one! Check it out!!

Check out his cool site, and find out more about this new art zine which is available from Blurb. You can find the order link on Cynjons site!
Thanks for including me in your first cool zine Cynjon!!

The Preimer Issue of the Fairy Society Magazine is now available also!
A wonderful new magazine filled with fantasy art, wonderful articles, and little surprises. Beautiful photos of doll artist B.B. Flocklings enchanting children adorn the pages. There is an article on how to make fairy cakes out of clay to creating wigs makeup and costuming by Rhonda Napolean. My own contribution, a peek inside my studio. Be sure to check this preimer issue!
Miss "P" thinks you'll not be sorry! She has Good taste! (at least she thinks she does..and I'm inclined to agree, this time)!

Happy Hauntings, Gail

Friday, March 20, 2009

Who is that person in that Video??

Well, I suppose we all look at ourselves in photos and such and say..Do I REALLY look like that??
I am positve that some other being other than myself is speaking for me in the video "the world of the doll maker" I look at it, and say.."do I really talk like that?? is that how I Really look! Yikes.. Time for a major make over! Fab four... Where are you?!!
Thanks to some of my friends who know me, like Marilyn Radzat and Kat Bunker who have soothed my wounded ego and have agree with me that "that is not me in this viedo" and sent photos more resembling the real me, I am feeling much better. So I thought I'd post a few photos that look more like the "real" me.

Some of my favorite photos are these at shows where Richard Simmons collected my work. The one photo is of me, Richard and my daughter Kimberly who is very artsy and has a blog of her own. the Enchanted Room, Check it out.
The others are of me in Hawaii at the retreat with Marilyn Radzat.

Okay..I feel better now!
happy Hauntings, Gail

World of the Doll maker Clip

I finally figured out how to add the clip of the dvd I'm in! Please turn off the music at the bottom of the page before viewing the will make it much more Enjoyable!!( I'm the one with the long dark hair that dosen't look anything like me)!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back from the Living Dead

Just a short post here for now. I have been hiding in my crypt nursing a dreadful sinus infection..I thought I would surely die, as I saw that bright white light in front of me....then I realized it was only the doctors light as he was looking into my facial orifices!!
He's given me some wonderful pills that will cure my sinus infection along with 3 pages of warnings and side affects for taking these pills and a statement that there is more warnings and side affects that are not listed on the pages given...ahhh the wonders of pharmaceutical industry!
Hopefully they will just cure my sinus infection and I won't grow an extra limb or die a long and horrible death from taking them..or end up taking more pills to help get rid of the other illnesses that they could possibly cause me to acquire!!
I haven't been to a regular doctor in over ten years, prefering natural cures and "witch doctors" over over man created synthetics. But..I guess there is a time a place for it all!!

I hope to be back posting more fun stuff for you soon!
Happy Hauntings, Gail

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Doll Artists DVD!

I'm excited to announce that the release of a new DVD documentary that I was thrilled to be a part of! It's called "The World of the Doll Artist".
I was chosen along with six other artists, Richard and Jodi Creager, Nancy Wiley, Olga Roehl, Shelly Thornton and Reina Mia Brill . We were each interviewed at the 2008 NIADA conference in Vegas, about what inspires us, how we got started, our design techniques, and more. The video includes the interviews and up close photos of our work. I'm really excited to have been a part of this!I have to admit, my first thought when I viewed the video was, " I really look like that"??!! LOL!
It's a fun informative video that I highly recommend....(My shamless self promotion)!!
You can find out more about this DVD and information on buying it from Choices at or 1-800 570-5400.
You can view a trailer on youtube,under The World of the Doll Artist, I can't seem to figure out how to get it on my post, but you can also see the trailer at the Choices web site.
I have little goblins playing with my brain at the moment, but when my brain starts working again, maybe I can figure out how to get the video clip on my blog!!
Happy haunting, Gail

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I'm always on the lookout for different products and things I can use in my creations. This is some fun stuff I thought I'd share with you. It's great if you like making your own props and such.
It's called Balsa-Foam, and is similar to the floral flower foam you stick flowers in, except this is very dense and carveable. I purchased this ages ago, so I don't remember for sure, but I think it came in different sizes and thicknesses.
I've used it several times over the years to make little props for the dolls. You carve it like you would a piece of wood.You can use things to make impressions in it like crumpled foil or lumpy rocks to make rock like textures. I used my excato knife, toothpicks, cuticle tool and anything else that was laying in front of me to make this nifty little headstone for my ghosties. One word of caution, once you make an impression in it it's I suggest you practice first on a small piece to get the feel of it.
Here it is painted. I covered it first in sobo glue to help seal it as it does absorb water. Solvent based paints will seal it good, but I didn't have any. Thick paint will fill in the lines so experiment. I have also used resin after I've carved my design, as this will harden and seal the whole piece. Here,..... the, "Oh so theatrical Miss Pennythistle", has donned her Victorian Mourning veil, and carries her wilted flowers, to weep over the tiny phantomly grave of the unknown "Our Darling" Oh Miss "P" you are such a mournful site...we weep for you!!!

I've used the balsa foam for the rock base on this earlier ghostie, "Tiny Veronica Carey, who was mistaken for a blueberry.... She was eaten for lunch... swallowed down with fruit punch, by a nearsighted Ogre named Harry!
The Balsa foam can be found at hobbystores like the ones that carry model railroads and airplanes. I've not ever seen it at the regular craft stores.
Hope this gives you something new to explore if you didn't already now about it.
Creepy creating!!
Happy hauntings, Gail,... and the sorrowful Miss "P"!