My Shamless Self Promotion!!!
I found this online place where you can have stuff made like your teeshirts etc...but they had something I thought was totally was called photo-sculptures. You can send a photo and have a standing photo sculpture made out of acrylic, I believe it is. I thought this would be a really fun thing for the ghostie I said "sign me up"!
So... I now have a "zazzle store" where you can go an purchase a few of my ghosties I've put up for photos sculptures.queenofthefaeries's" Gallery at Zazzle or you can click on the slide show on the side bar.
I also decided to add some notecards of "madame know it all and Mysterious Claire from under the stair you can also purchase.
I might be adding more images for cards or photo let me know if you have any favorite images you might like to see done!
This is just a trial thing for me and a way for you to purchase your favorite image....cheaper than a doll!
Hope your Holidays are Jolly.. and everything else ending in Olly!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Pink Wishes
Well..all is fine and Dandy as the ever so Pink, Pretty, and packed up, Miss Pennythistle says Buh- bye to her friends Silke and Liesl, and prepares for her trip back to the U.S. via HedgeHog Express!
Whats this??!... Ms "P" is still Pink and Pretty....but Poor faithful Mister HedgeHog has turned to stone!! Something dreadful must have happened in the Space/time continuum thingy!
Maybe,.. the "Mudusa" effect....
Now Miss Pennythistle is on the horns of a dilemma...

MMNnnn..what ta do with the one "Wish" ticket......

Whats this??!... Ms "P" is still Pink and Pretty....but Poor faithful Mister HedgeHog has turned to stone!! Something dreadful must have happened in the Space/time continuum thingy!
Maybe,.. the "Mudusa" effect....
Now Miss Pennythistle is on the horns of a dilemma...
MMNnnn..what ta do with the one "Wish" ticket......
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Miss "P"'s Christmas
My Friend Silke Janas- Schlosser and her assistant Liesl have invited Miss Pennythistle to Germany for christmas and have been sending pictures of Miss "P"'s Christmas adventures while she's there....check out Liesl's diary for more fun photos!
Liesl ..all dress in her christmas finery,presents Miss "P" with some tiny presents
Liesl ..all dress in her christmas finery,presents Miss "P" with some tiny presents

Liesl's Fairy Troll Family baby Miss "P" with attention and gifts (Miss "P" keeps an Eye out for more gifts!!)

Oh Boy!! A Lovely jewel box bed and Miss "P"'s favorite things..Pink ...And.. Shiney!!
Miss "P" with visions of sugar plummy things in her tiny head....

Miss "P" with visions of sugar plummy things in her tiny head....
Have you ever just been so excited you can't sleep!!!..Or... is it that Cat she's keeping one eye open for!!
Anyway..I know I'm exhausted and I didn't even go anywhere!!!
I hope your all having a Scary merry Christmas!!!!

I hope your all having a Scary merry Christmas!!!!
Hugs, Gail, Silke, Liesl...and Miss Pennythistle!!
Ms "P" Christmas in Germany
Miss an accomplished Stowaway on Santas Sleigh... has made her way to Visit her friend Liesl in Germany! Here are a few photos of her as she arrives on the Christmas Hedgehog..all bundles of snoodles and joy!

OHH Merry christmas Liesl!!....And OoHh... Hello Mr Kitty...not expecting you!!
To see more of Miss "P"'s Christmas in Germany click on Liesl's diary!
Gail & Miss Pennythistle
(watch for photo updates through out this christmas day)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The ever so.. "in the Spirit".. Miss Pennythistle has decided to spread the Christmas cheer and visit her friend Liesl and her troll family in Germany! So she has disguised herself as that famous little reindeer,(looking a bit frozen), Rudolph, and plans on sneeking into Santas sleigh tonight to hitch a ride to Liesls house for Christmas!!
Oh Boy..Christmas in Germany! She promises to send photos (asuming Santa doesn't catch our little stowaway, and she safely arrives).... So,... we will be waiting and watching for her Christmas photos on Pins and Pine needles!!!
Hope your all having a Happy Holiday!!!
Gail and the Theatrical Miss Pennythistle!!
Hope your all having a Happy Holiday!!!
Gail and the Theatrical Miss Pennythistle!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snow Day Decorating with Miss "P"
Snow..Snow..and more Snow!
So it's a good day to stay warm inside in my jamies..maybe do a little christmas decorating...The Precious and always Pretty in Pink, Miss Pennythistle, decided it would be good to lend a hand...or tiny claw as the case may thoughtful....(Uh huh)!... Plus,.. she has a special attraction for the bright and shiny, and is "collector extrodinaire" for all things Gawdy and tacky and otherwise just pretty to look at! She gets little sparkles in her eyes when she thinks about them!
So it's a good day to stay warm inside in my jamies..maybe do a little christmas decorating...The Precious and always Pretty in Pink, Miss Pennythistle, decided it would be good to lend a hand...or tiny claw as the case may thoughtful....(Uh huh)!... Plus,.. she has a special attraction for the bright and shiny, and is "collector extrodinaire" for all things Gawdy and tacky and otherwise just pretty to look at! She gets little sparkles in her eyes when she thinks about them!
Now,... I will spend the rest of the day trying to untangle her from the tinsels and baubles she just couldn't resist rolling in!
Not to mention cleaning up the broken ornaments she tossed up into the tree cuz she was sure they would just "stick" there!
Happy Haunted Holidaze!
Monday, December 15, 2008
New Ghostie "Pietra Lorrie"
Well finally..after an entire day of trying to load images..and being told I can't ...I have them on!! yeah!! (too frustrating)!!
This is my latest Ghostie..Pietra Lorrie...I usually have a name for a doll right off, but I struggled a bit with this one,.. and had wanted to name her something else, and she just didn't want it.
When I was sculpting her, she kept looking like the old actor Peter Lorrie..and I thought ..the poor dear..she looks like Peter Lorrie... then,. Volia.. Yes.. ..Pietra Lorrie..was born.. Fortunatly,.. when she was painted, she took on her on little personality.!
"Poor Little Pietra Lorrie....Her end was a bit gorey,
Were not sure..but have a hunch.. her pet alligator ate her for lunch!
Poor Little Pietra Lorrie...!
Pietra is just over 12" with her bonnet and has antique materials used in her attire. Her pet alligator, with the slight underbite, is sculpted of polymer clay, and has sculpted wheels and wooden teeth...(all the better to eat you with))!! YuMMY!!
She has tiny sculpted skull buttons on her bonnet and her shoes.( a fashion statement of the times) the new" in" fashion, statement!!!
This is my latest Ghostie..Pietra Lorrie...I usually have a name for a doll right off, but I struggled a bit with this one,.. and had wanted to name her something else, and she just didn't want it.
When I was sculpting her, she kept looking like the old actor Peter Lorrie..and I thought ..the poor dear..she looks like Peter Lorrie... then,. Volia.. Yes.. ..Pietra Lorrie..was born.. Fortunatly,.. when she was painted, she took on her on little personality.!
Were not sure..but have a hunch.. her pet alligator ate her for lunch!
Poor Little Pietra Lorrie...!
Pietra is just over 12" with her bonnet and has antique materials used in her attire. Her pet alligator, with the slight underbite, is sculpted of polymer clay, and has sculpted wheels and wooden teeth...(all the better to eat you with))!! YuMMY!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Loverly Luv Spreaders
In Honor of the Spreader Of Love Award, I would like to share with you some of the really Special gifts I've had the good fortune of recieving lately. And Of course.. the ever so present "Darling of the Stage" Miss Pennythistle, had to make a production out of it!..I would expect no less from her!
From the Fabulous Kamila of Wooded Woods came the most precious little Blind girl Iris, and her seeing eye cat!! Who else but Kamila would have thought of such a creative idea for a doll..she is Most Marvoulous in our eyes..Kamila and Iris! Thank you Kamila..she is most precious to me!
And of course it wouldn't be complete without the blind leading the blind!
From the Fabulous Kamila of Wooded Woods came the most precious little Blind girl Iris, and her seeing eye cat!! Who else but Kamila would have thought of such a creative idea for a doll..she is Most Marvoulous in our eyes..Kamila and Iris! Thank you Kamila..she is most precious to me!
And of course it wouldn't be complete without the blind leading the blind!
Miss Pennythistle has a Monstrous thing for the most zombiefied of all Zombies..none other than Zombie Edgar gifted to me by the Zombie queen herself (you and Kamila might have to fight for that one) Jacqui of Odddollz. He arrived zombified in his own little dark coffin. I think he has a thing for Miss "P" also, but so far he doesn't show much emotion towards her. Miss "P" sprouted her little angel wings and gives Zombie Edgar her tiny teddy so he won't be alone in that coffin....MMNNN.... what could she Really be up to???! Thank you so much Jacqui.. Me and Miss "P" adore him!!
From my Italian friend Stef of Gufobardo .
came a wonderful spooky suprise package with happy halloween haunting fabric with golden pumpkins and spiders! A SpOoktacular site... and... the most beautiful jeweled earrings!!! Dark and Decatant! ! Miss "P" says they should be hers, as they set off the lovely pale pink pallor of her skin, and look "oh so charming against the deep mossy green pools of her eyes"..(Gag me)! Thank you thank you rock!
And from my friends Susan and her sweety of a hubby Tuffy, came the most adorable little wooden Spooky doll..One of Miss "P"'s favorites..along with a fabulous inspirational art book Thank you for your kind thoughtfulness!
Dark blessings to all of you!
Awards.. Awards!
Miss Pennythistle has had me locked away in my studio for days untill I finished the dolls I had promised before christmas. She has finally let me out, and now i'm catching up on my blog.
I have been given two "Major Awards" by several wonderful people! So I am thanking Sonia of Dark ravens nest.
And Chris of Designs by CK for honering me with this "One Lovely Blog Award" award!
I have been given two "Major Awards" by several wonderful people! So I am thanking Sonia of Dark ravens nest.
And Chris of Designs by CK for honering me with this "One Lovely Blog Award" award!

Thanks Also to Michelle of Studio at Crowhaven Farm .
And to Steph of Fantastic Figments for the "Spreader of Love award"!!!
Much love to you!! Kiss Kiss!
Please forgive me if I've missed anyone! I've tried to go back through the posts and find all the award givers..If I have missed you please let me know and I will add you to the list to thank you!!!
Now.... I hope the blog fairy doesn't put the evil eye on me for breaking the rules of the awards, like going to 7 other blogs to give awards..(or in this case 14),..but at the moment I'm so far behind and will never catch up if I do. So I'm making my own rules for now, and, because there are so many "lovely" blogs and so many other wonderful "spreaders of Love" I would like to freely bestow either award, or both, if you like, on anyone who reads this and feels they would love to have these special awards to post on their blog! You may find the rules of the award on any of the other blogs above.
Thank you all again for these special awards!

Dark Blessings, Gail
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Madame "P" Seer in the Spirit Realm
Eeny- Meenie, Jelly-Beanie...the Spirits are about to Speak!
The Great and Wise Oracle "Madame Knows it All" (aka Miss Pennythistle, aka Miz "P"..Queen "P" Etcetera, Etcetera...)...has consulted her crystal ball...and what did she see, you ask?
Why's true..she's had a vision of a new Ghostie! Ahh how does she do that??
" Madame Knows it all" says she has been in contact with the spirit of "Mysterious Claire"
The Great and Wise Oracle "Madame Knows it All" (aka Miss Pennythistle, aka Miz "P"..Queen "P" Etcetera, Etcetera...)...has consulted her crystal ball...and what did she see, you ask?
so very quite, no one even knows that she's there". (Except for you know who)!

Mysterious Claire is 12" and her ghostly garb is from antique materials. Her constant companion, Mysterious Miz mouse is always by her side.
Mysterious Claire is 12" and her ghostly garb is from antique materials. Her constant companion, Mysterious Miz mouse is always by her side.
Mysterious Claire will soon be packing her belongings for a journey over seas to live under a different set of stairs...In the meantime we all wait on the edge of our seats for for "Madame Know it All's" next exciting vision...she's like a Tiny Edgar Cayce all dressed in pink!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Magnificent Marilyn Radzat!
I'm Proud to say the work of my friend and artist extroidinare Marilyn Radzat has been chosen to grace the cover of the recent issue of Art Doll Quarterly with her magnificant Art Doll sculpture & with a wonderful article about her rise to fame and experience in the Art doll world.
Marilyn is an icon in the art doll world, and is just as beautiful in spirit as the incredible beauty her fantastical sculptures portray. She Magically, mystically, weaves her spell in apoxie, sea glass, and shards of irridesent glass and antique textiles to create for us spellbinding goddesses filled with inspiration and emotion. I view her pieces with awe filled emotion as if in viewing them in a jewel dripped Cathedral, with heavenly choirs in the background.
She Truly is an inspiration in heart and in art. You won't want to miss this article on her!
Thank you Marilyn for your friendship and your inspiration!
Eternally Yours,
Marilyn is an icon in the art doll world, and is just as beautiful in spirit as the incredible beauty her fantastical sculptures portray. She Magically, mystically, weaves her spell in apoxie, sea glass, and shards of irridesent glass and antique textiles to create for us spellbinding goddesses filled with inspiration and emotion. I view her pieces with awe filled emotion as if in viewing them in a jewel dripped Cathedral, with heavenly choirs in the background.
She Truly is an inspiration in heart and in art. You won't want to miss this article on her!

Eternally Yours,
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Major French Award!
We Have been graciously granted our first Major Award...and, not just any Major Award ..but a Major "French" Award..
Because.....We.. are... Zo very French you know!!...(she says in her very best French accent)!! At least.. Miss "P" zhinks zo)!!
Merci Madame Amy for bestowing on us zis most French award!!
We are "Easily Amuzed" wait..zhats ze wrong country..different Queen...!
Zooo.. you know.. we must show our very best Frenchly Queen Poses! honor.. (still in a french accent) Miss "P" insisted on doning her Queen French attire for your Amuzes-ments..Behold.. Ze very French and Very regal (if not zomewhat gawdy) Queen "P".....
Firstly, in her very French wig atop her leettle French carriage.

Because.....We.. are... Zo very French you know!!...(she says in her very best French accent)!! At least.. Miss "P" zhinks zo)!!
Merci Madame Amy for bestowing on us zis most French award!!
We are "Easily Amuzed" wait..zhats ze wrong country..different Queen...!
Zooo.. you know.. we must show our very best Frenchly Queen Poses! honor.. (still in a french accent) Miss "P" insisted on doning her Queen French attire for your Amuzes-ments..Behold.. Ze very French and Very regal (if not zomewhat gawdy) Queen "P".....
Firstly, in her very French wig atop her leettle French carriage.
Here.. if not a little upitty, in her French Sedan
And finally, on her Regal French Throne with her crown jewelerys... but off she goes into ze kitchen to eat a tiny slice of French cakes...mmmmnn yummy!
She says "She is so hapiez for theze award for Moi"! Merci Merci Amy!
Zo now, we must beztow zis French Major Award to some uncommenly commeners as zeese are ze rules...and we most always follow ze rules when zhey fit our agenda..
I award to ze following, as I believe in a past life we must have spent many hours at ze Moulin Rouge soaked in ze other worldy green Fairy world of ze Absynithez..and frolicking in Theatrical Decadenze!!
Madame Marilyn Radzat
Madame Heather Robertson
La Petite Pretty Parrot
Irriplaceable itsybitsyfunzyonesie
Audacious Adelesspookyart
Ohh La La Loopyboopy
Ohh La La La La Oddolls
Now ze rules of ze one must always appear to follow ze rules(from Miss "P"s First rules of French Etiquette)
1..Pleeeze ad ze logo on your blog
2...Place a link to ze person from whom you recieved ze award.
3...nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4...put zee links to those blogs on your blog
5..leave a message on zheir blogs to tellz them zhey are ze chosen ones
Merci...Now I'm going to eat cake!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Beatrice Strikes a Pose!!
Finally! Here she is in all her Ghastly Glory!!
Beatrice Baudelair, doesn't have a care,
She can be seen on stormy nights with her Haunted Zombie Teddy Bear,
as they emerge from the Crypt for a Stroll and a Breath of Fresh Air!

Beatrice Baudelair is 9 1/2" tall, Zombie Ted is 2" small (but don't underestimate him) Although, he does have a clean bill of health from the local zombie dentist!
Beatrice Baudelair, doesn't have a care,
She can be seen on stormy nights with her Haunted Zombie Teddy Bear,
as they emerge from the Crypt for a Stroll and a Breath of Fresh Air!
Beatrice Baudelair is 9 1/2" tall, Zombie Ted is 2" small (but don't underestimate him) Although, he does have a clean bill of health from the local zombie dentist!
They are packing their bags and off to haunt a new mansion!
Thank Goodness That Notoriously Baudy & Queen of Gawdy, Miss "P",.. has been happily sidetracked with her new job ... "Queen Bopper of Benevolent Blogs",..just long enough for me to finish Beatrice and get her out of the house! Oh the commotion those two caused!!
The studio, and the rest of the household, can now resume it's Calm & Deathly Silence......
But, it's never quite for too long, as I fear Miss "P" has something else up her devious & tattered little queenly sleeves...... I'm getting out the charms and the holy water just in case!! You best prepare also!
Happy Hauntings,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
You've been Bopped Badge!

Many thanks to the Hauntingly Hallowed Madame Heather Robertson ! She has created for me this delightfully Dastardly little "Bopped Badge of Dastardly Delight" with the photo of the infamous Miss Pennythistle...Queen of Gawdy Delight..and major Pain in the Patoot!
Miss Pennythistle will be making the blog rounds to bestow her be sure to check your comments to See if she's bopped you!!
Thank you again Heather for you delightfully devilish and creepy creative imagination!!
Haunt On!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Miss "P" The Drama Queen!
Well... What can I she lay..every bit the Drama Queen!
After expressing her sentiments about how the "Undead" are getting more attention than Moi, Miss Pennythistle keeled over this afternoon, and is trying her very best at looking like the rest of the little undead ones.
I have to say...she's pretty convincing! I may have to toss a little earth on her!!
Happy Hauntings!
After expressing her sentiments about how the "Undead" are getting more attention than Moi, Miss Pennythistle keeled over this afternoon, and is trying her very best at looking like the rest of the little undead ones.
I have to say...she's pretty convincing! I may have to toss a little earth on her!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Neither Hair nor There
When I walked into the studio this morning, I found Beatrice and Miss Pennythistle in heavy converstion about which hair color Beatrice should have. It was so intense even the fairys got in on it! Miss Pennythistle thinks one should always stand out in a crowd and be the center of attention! While Beatrice prefers the color of her hair to match the color of her eyes..a phantomly pale almost non existant blue.
The ghostly little fairy thinks it should be something similar to her own pale locks, but I don't think either Miss pennythistle OR Beatrice could give a care what she thinks!
Happy haunting!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Beatrice: The Creation of a Ghostly One
AAhh..Look what Miss Pennythistle found in my studio! A Disembodied Head! And not just any old disembodied head...but one belonging to a little Ghostie named Beatrice Baudelaire!
I started Beatrice with a totally different idea in mind for her (a new type of ghostly being I wanted to try)...but she has a mind of her own, and decided she was to have a regular body like all the other little ghosties. And since she has creepy little teeth, I decided to give her what she wanted. She did manage to draw blood with a very sharp sculpting tool when I was creating her, so best not to mess with her!
I started Beatrice with a totally different idea in mind for her (a new type of ghostly being I wanted to try)...but she has a mind of her own, and decided she was to have a regular body like all the other little ghosties. And since she has creepy little teeth, I decided to give her what she wanted. She did manage to draw blood with a very sharp sculpting tool when I was creating her, so best not to mess with her!
Desperately in need of some sort of skeletal structure I created one for her using armature wire. I strengthened her joints with plumbers apoxie...Love this stuff! Especially the Loctite brand. It's just like apoxie sculpt but it hardens in under 5 minutes....for instant gratification!
(Miss Pennythistle has disguised herself as the roaming we wouldn't notice!)
Here Beatrice has her new legs and creepy little hands. Her little teeth don't show in the photo but they are there...all the better to gnaw on things with! In fact I'm not so sure it was the sculpting tool that drew the blood..maybe a tiny bite? Ouch!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ball Jointed Humpty Dumpty Class Niada 2009
"What happened to Humpty after the fall?.....His brains were scrambled and he couldn't recall"!!
I'm doing a class at NIADA in 2009 in Arrowmount Tennessee, and thought since there is such a big interest at the moment in ball jointed dolls, that I would do a class on basic ball jointing.
Since the class is only 2 days, and to do a full doll is really intensive, I thought a little ghostly Humpty would be the perfect victim to practice on!
I sculpted this piece using La Doll, and air dry clay (or natural stone clay, as it states on the package) It comes from Japan, but is available here in the states. It is what alot of the japanese artists that make bjd's (ball jointed dolls) use.
I picked La doll over using the polymer clays as I am finding that there are just to many strength issues..or lack of it..., with the amount of tension that the stringing puts on the polymer clay. Its not to bad if your just stringing arms and legs, but I find that to string the head along with the rest, results in too much tension, and therfore cracks in the clay where I had no Idea there was any weakness.
Doll Artist Sharon Dube, kindly suggested reinforcing the inside of the polymer with apoxie sculpt, which I think is a great idea, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.
(These are the problems I have experienced, and may not reflect the results other artists have incountered.) If any one else has any ideas I would love to hear from you!
Anyway, I think this is why the Japanese use the La Doll or Porcelian, or reproduce in resin. But, just doing a ooak (one of a kind) doll, I'm finding I have much better luck with the La Doll. The Japanese also use what they call "wood powder" which is like dry fine sawdust but has a glue in it, that activates when mixed with water.It's then mixed into the La Doll to strengthen it. I don't know why they don't import the wood powder along with the clay, but I've never been able to find it in the US and have had some of my kind Japanese artist friends send it to me.
Okay..I'm rambling.... back to the class!
By learning the ball jointing system in humptys legs it will give you enough information to be able to do arms also, as they are done the same way.
I'm doing a class at NIADA in 2009 in Arrowmount Tennessee, and thought since there is such a big interest at the moment in ball jointed dolls, that I would do a class on basic ball jointing.
Since the class is only 2 days, and to do a full doll is really intensive, I thought a little ghostly Humpty would be the perfect victim to practice on!
I sculpted this piece using La Doll, and air dry clay (or natural stone clay, as it states on the package) It comes from Japan, but is available here in the states. It is what alot of the japanese artists that make bjd's (ball jointed dolls) use.
I picked La doll over using the polymer clays as I am finding that there are just to many strength issues..or lack of it..., with the amount of tension that the stringing puts on the polymer clay. Its not to bad if your just stringing arms and legs, but I find that to string the head along with the rest, results in too much tension, and therfore cracks in the clay where I had no Idea there was any weakness.
Doll Artist Sharon Dube, kindly suggested reinforcing the inside of the polymer with apoxie sculpt, which I think is a great idea, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.
(These are the problems I have experienced, and may not reflect the results other artists have incountered.) If any one else has any ideas I would love to hear from you!
Anyway, I think this is why the Japanese use the La Doll or Porcelian, or reproduce in resin. But, just doing a ooak (one of a kind) doll, I'm finding I have much better luck with the La Doll. The Japanese also use what they call "wood powder" which is like dry fine sawdust but has a glue in it, that activates when mixed with water.It's then mixed into the La Doll to strengthen it. I don't know why they don't import the wood powder along with the clay, but I've never been able to find it in the US and have had some of my kind Japanese artist friends send it to me.
By learning the ball jointing system in humptys legs it will give you enough information to be able to do arms also, as they are done the same way.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fellow Travelers from the Other Side
Ghostly Good Mourning to all my SpOOktacular friends and Fellow Phantom Followers!
My Friend and fellow artist Mo'a Romig Boyles, has included me on her wonderful Dia De Bloglandia Post!
Thank you Mo'a!
Check out her charming blog and wonderful creations!
Also, A Tip of the Ghostly Top Hat and big Thank you, to the Heavenly Heather, for including my "Ghosties" in your incredibly creative blog.....check her out!
AND..... Big Ghostly Gratitudes to Beth Robinson of Strange Dolls, for helping to get the word out there !! You'll injoy her spOOktacular Strange Dolls! Our Dolls stare eternally at each other across the page in the new book "500 Handmade Dolls by Lark Books
Thank you all so much!
(I hope I haven't left anyone out...Please send a kindly phantomly word if I've missed you, I try to keep up, but sometimes I find I've left my brains boiling a little to long in the cauldron)!!
OoHHH..And not to Miss Adeles Spooky Art...It's SpOOkTacuLar!! Merci Miss SpOOky!
AND... Last but Not Least... a SpOOkTacuLar "BIG THANK YOU" to all who Watch,... Follow,... comment,.... and are other wise lurking around dark and decrepit corners, peaking into my Dark Whimsical World...I know your know who you are...!!! Come out..Come out.. Where Ever You Are..The Ghosties want to play!!!!
Have a SpOOktacular Day,
Dark Blessings Gail
My Friend and fellow artist Mo'a Romig Boyles, has included me on her wonderful Dia De Bloglandia Post!
Thank you Mo'a!
Check out her charming blog and wonderful creations!
Also, A Tip of the Ghostly Top Hat and big Thank you, to the Heavenly Heather, for including my "Ghosties" in your incredibly creative blog.....check her out!
AND..... Big Ghostly Gratitudes to Beth Robinson of Strange Dolls, for helping to get the word out there !! You'll injoy her spOOktacular Strange Dolls! Our Dolls stare eternally at each other across the page in the new book "500 Handmade Dolls by Lark Books
Thank you all so much!
(I hope I haven't left anyone out...Please send a kindly phantomly word if I've missed you, I try to keep up, but sometimes I find I've left my brains boiling a little to long in the cauldron)!!
OoHHH..And not to Miss Adeles Spooky Art...It's SpOOkTacuLar!! Merci Miss SpOOky!
AND... Last but Not Least... a SpOOkTacuLar "BIG THANK YOU" to all who Watch,... Follow,... comment,.... and are other wise lurking around dark and decrepit corners, peaking into my Dark Whimsical World...I know your know who you are...!!! Come out..Come out.. Where Ever You Are..The Ghosties want to play!!!!
Have a SpOOktacular Day,
Dark Blessings Gail
Friday, October 31, 2008
This morning I heard banging in my studio..I figured it was just Miss Pennythistle, but went to check it out anyway. I took my camera, as I thought to catch her in some malicious act, but instead captured a very surprised goblin !!
Then,... just above him..I was able to photograph a very large Goblin before it was sucked completely into the wall!!!
Ohhh my.. the strange things that go on in my studio!!
Ohhh my.. the strange things that go on in my studio!!
OOhHHHaahhhhhhahh..(thats an evil laugh)!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wax Inspiration Pieces
Ghostly Greetings!
I am working on a ball jointed piece for a class for Niada next year which I hope to show soon..but in the meantime, I thought I'd post some of my religious and wax pieces that give me inspiration!
Of course the "Fairy Godmum" with the wonderful Bette head below!
I am working on a ball jointed piece for a class for Niada next year which I hope to show soon..but in the meantime, I thought I'd post some of my religious and wax pieces that give me inspiration!
Of course the "Fairy Godmum" with the wonderful Bette head below!
A wax musical Jesus baby with an old crech doll..the pics are dark as he is in an alcove in my bedroom and the pictures always show up dark.
MoreWax dolls, in the same alcove which makes the pictures dark, sorry....but maybe, makes them more mysterious..they are resting on fabric from the 1700's. And when I wake in the morning this is the first site I see.!
My Religious Alcove in the front room..., A wax madonna in the back and a wax fairy in the right hand corner.
My Religious Alcove in the front room..., A wax madonna in the back and a wax fairy in the right hand corner.
An 1800's carved wood babyJesus in front and a ceramic madonna behind with a repro crown. An old wax ex-voto head in the middle.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Walk through Wonderland Show
The Duirwaigh Gallery Walk through wonderland one- line show is now up!! Check it out!
I have two pieces in the show..Mad Alice" and an original drawing/painting, Monsieur Rabbit . I think only the rabbit piece is still available.
Dark Blessings, Gail
I have two pieces in the show..Mad Alice" and an original drawing/painting, Monsieur Rabbit . I think only the rabbit piece is still available.
Dark Blessings, Gail
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Old Theatrical adds
Check this out..sooo cool,.. dark, gothic victorian, strange, sideshow, ...and inspirational! !
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monsieur Rabbit!
Introducing "Monsieur Rabbit".. A mixed media original drawing/painting I did for For The Duirwaigh Gallery "Walk through Wonderland" show!
In a previous "life before dolls" I used to paint and draw. Oil and water color, and pen & ink airbrush illustrations for a childrens book I was going to do..but, got sidetracked with the dolls and never looked back.
Every once in a while though, I have the urge to pick up the pen/pencil/brush, again, and did so for this show.
Monsieur Rabbit was drawn in graphite then colored with acrylics. I then mounted him on an old victorian red velvet album cover. I added a vintage plaster frame around antique Skeleton key...(the one Alice uses to get into the garden..original,.. I'm sure!) Painted a striped background, and a pen drawn banner below him that says "Monsieur Rabbit" case you forget who he is!

overall measures just under 6" wide and almost 9 1/2" long
I added a vintage black ribbon to hang the piece on in your own lovely little Wonderland cottage!
Were All Mad here!!!!
In a previous "life before dolls" I used to paint and draw. Oil and water color, and pen & ink airbrush illustrations for a childrens book I was going to do..but, got sidetracked with the dolls and never looked back.
Every once in a while though, I have the urge to pick up the pen/pencil/brush, again, and did so for this show.
Monsieur Rabbit was drawn in graphite then colored with acrylics. I then mounted him on an old victorian red velvet album cover. I added a vintage plaster frame around antique Skeleton key...(the one Alice uses to get into the garden..original,.. I'm sure!) Painted a striped background, and a pen drawn banner below him that says "Monsieur Rabbit" case you forget who he is!
I added a vintage black ribbon to hang the piece on in your own lovely little Wonderland cottage!
I'm sure it once hung proudly in Monsieur Rabbits home......!
You can own it when the Duirwaigh show gets under way on the 27th..Monday! check it out..or the Queen just might have your head!..Yikes!
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