This morning I heard banging in my studio..I figured it was just Miss Pennythistle, but went to check it out anyway. I took my camera, as I thought to catch her in some malicious act, but instead captured a very surprised goblin !!

Then,... just above him..I was able to photograph a very large Goblin before it was sucked completely into the wall!!!
Ohhh my.. the strange things that go on in my studio!!

Have a SpOOktacular HaLLowEeN!!!!
OOhHHHaahhhhhhahh..(thats an evil laugh)!!
your studio is very strange! but I fall in love with it! happy halloween Gail!!!!
Love me fellow Goblinz, they are wonderful!
what a fabulous goblin.... it looks like it would take forever to capture each magical corner of your house!
That was scary!!!! But I loved it!!!
Happy Halloween my ghoulish friend!!!! XOXOXO
Yes, my home is very strange to a "normal" person..and there is so much stuff you could never begin to see it great when I bring something new home, and hubby says where did you get that? I just say oh, that old thing? I just moved a few things like a charm! LOl!
Shop on my friends!!
LOL ...what a hoot! Curiosity shoppe there & here!
You are too funny! Love usual! You never cease to amaze me. :o) Amy
WOW! These are fantastic! SO detailed! I knew the Whimsical Goblinz would be by *winks*
Beautiful Gale!
Happy (belated) Halloween to you too!
Hee hee, Me can find them anywherez
I never Trust anyone that's not a least a "Bit Strange"....Its the So called "Normal People" that Scare me!!
Very Cool Creations!!
Just what I would expect to see in your studio :)
The post about you will be up in the morning for Dio de Bloglandia.
I hope you like it.
Oh my, what a studio,your figures are so fantastic, and im so exited that Moa invited to a wisit here
Hi Dorthe
Mo'a sent me and I honestly could not be more delighted and more in love with your dolls!
Mo'a sent me and I honestly could not be more delighted and more in love with your dolls!
how fun is this post. I love those goblins!
GOBLINS......OH MY!!!!
He indeed looks very surprised, what was he up to??? Good thing you caught him before he did anything naughty!!
They are great, I LOVE goblins, they are sooooooo cute:)
love the goblin maybe at some point I will try one. For now I should stick with bottle spirits
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