Many thanks to the Hauntingly Hallowed Madame Heather Robertson ! She has created for me this delightfully Dastardly little "Bopped Badge of Dastardly Delight" with the photo of the famous..er.. infamous Miss Pennythistle...Queen of Gawdy Delight..and major Pain in the Patoot!
Miss Pennythistle will be making the blog rounds to bestow her seal...so be sure to check your comments to See if she's bopped you!!
Thank you again Heather for you delightfully devilish and creepy creative imagination!!
Haunt On!
hahaha that awesome!!
Thanks, Gail! I feel honored to have been bopped by the infamous Miss Pennythistle to begin with - it's truly a nightmare come true. Although, I wished I'd known she was speaking of bops, not sugar, when I told her I'd take two lumps.
Ogre hug,
Heather :)
YIPPEE YIPPEE I got bopped too! Thank you miss Pennythistle, i needed that:) Maybe it will knock somethin around in this noggin of mine and something cool will fall out.
This is problably a dumb qusetion but how do I display it on my blog??
OUCH! She bops hard. Honored to have gotten MissP's attention and am proudly displaying my badge. Thanks Gail!!
I just got my copy of 500 Handmade dolls and your little Ghosties one of my favorites in the whole book. Just wish they'de featured more of your work. It is a fabulous book and will be much inspiration. Now I just gotta get one of your little books...it's on my list:)
Gail, explain please...what is 'you have been bopped by etc etc'??????..sound fun..but i don0t understand, sorry ehehehehhe....Stef
Once you've been bopped by Miss P.
Just right click on the badge and save it to your desktop. Then add a gadget (picture) to your blog. Now choose the file (image) from your desktop and in the same window add Gail's URL, so it links to her badge post (see below).
Happy bopping,
Heather :)
I would like to thank you for this dubious distinction! Though I can't help but wonder...are you feeling a bit guilty Miss Pennythistle, after all my most brilliant tool is somewhere in your care?
In any case, it is an honor that I do not take lightly!
I thank you!
now Miss Pennythisle, that hurt. thanks Gail!
Thanks heather for explaining how to add the badge! Miss "P" is out busy bopping but her little legs are giving out..so she's on "break" but will be back..it gives her something to keep her out of trouble!
Loopyboopy, the 500 dolls book is great. I sent several photos but some wern't as good as quality as they wanted, a lesson for taking really good photos!
ha ha How cool!
What an honor thanks so much :)
My very own "Major Award"!
Hugs, Sprite
glad to receive this very special badge and distinction from Miss Pennythistle as well!! thank you !!I'm usually not ve'ry fond o blog awards but this one is different !!I will add it to my blog tomorrow, love your last posts showing your pieces in progress and your studio :)
Eeeeeeeee hee hee hee hee!
I can't believe I've been bopped by the infamous Miss Pennythistle! I'm thrilled and honored! WOW! (curtsy)
Thank you Gail! I'm such a fan of your work and just happened to stumble onto your blog last night (thanks to Beth Robinson) while sculking about. I had no idea! This is really exciting! Now I'm off to spread the word far and wide!
Thank you again Gail!
I have to pass on the wealth so I have just awarded you the Marie Antoinette award. You can get it at my blog and I hope you do because you are really an inspiration to tons of artists out there and I personally am a great fan!
Congrats to you and thanks for the inspiration!
She's the Most Adorable Bopper Ever....I'll proudly wear the Badge!!
MoNsTeR Hugs!!!...~adele~
Hi Gail! ~ I found your blog through my friend's (Adele).
WOW what fun & magickal dolls you create!!!
FUN blog too.
SpOOky CK :)
Thanks Gail!!!
Prang! LOL ~ I like that! :-)
PS: I will be sure to add a bread-crumb link back to your delicious blog too!
Hi Gail-crazy-lady!
That is so cool...Heather's a whiz, isn't she?
I'm going to read your bloggie.
How humbled I am to accept an award from such a mischievous duo! Why I would find it but an honor to display such a momentous award. And I doth declare that Miss Pennythistle take it easy on unsuspecting honorees, I almost had a heart attack!
Gail this mean more to me than you know . Thank you and I will PROUDLY post it on my blog tomorrow!
Yea! how exciting!! I will wear my badge with pride!!!
Yes, that Miss "P" can be a sneeky little critter! Just when you least expect it Prang! so cover you heads!
Her little legs are getting tired and she seems to think she needs rest and drink at the moment...but keep one eye open as she'll be back making the rounds soon!
Thank you to all who share their blogs, so Miss "P" can continue to bopp (& stay out of my hair)!
Haunted hugs, Gail
Gail...........Miss "P" is up and about again! lol I thought I heard her scurrying about while I was sitting here at the computer. She made alot of racket..............I think it's that little bopper she's dragging around with her that gave her presence away......................*giggle*
Thank you for the honor! I'm going to but my badge on my blog so you'll get some more visitors here.......=D
Me thank you for the Badge, me wear it.
Oohhh! I woke with a head ache this morning - couldn't figure out why... Oh My! Miss Pennythistle has visted me in the night and womped me on the head! Yipeee Yahooo!! (doing a very uncoordinated and very silly PRANG dance!)
Thank you Gail!
Goblin squeeze!
Tracey J.
Thank you so much, Gail. The honor makes me so proud and I have it displayed on my blog now.
I want a bopped badge! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE???????????????
Over at
Something Wicked
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