When I walked into the studio this morning, I found Beatrice and Miss Pennythistle in heavy converstion about which hair color Beatrice should have. It was so intense even the fairys got in on it! Miss Pennythistle thinks one should always stand out in a crowd and be the center of attention! While Beatrice prefers the color of her hair to match the color of her eyes..a phantomly pale almost non existant blue.

The ghostly little fairy thinks it should be something similar to her own pale locks, but I don't think either Miss pennythistle OR Beatrice could give a care what she thinks!

Who do YOU think will win out?!
Happy haunting!
I hope Beatrice wins.
Hard to say who will win but I think both are a nice choice, just different looks....Hmmmmmmmm, maybe the light almost not blue at all would be more ghostly and bring out those haunting eyes:)
Either way, she is adorable!!!
Well, Miss Pennythistle is certainly one to speak her little mind..and Beatrice thinks Miss pennythistle is taking a "bit" too much interest in this hair thing. The fairys decided it was too much drama and shortly departed...and I myself left them on their own...only to find Beatrice this morning with a lovely new head of hair....stay tuned!
You are such a tease! I LOVE it! Can't wait to see the finished piece. :o) Amy
I'm routing for Beatrices choice too!
I think this was one of the greatest posts ever! HAHA so much fun reading what you write I love it. I have to go with Beatrice on this one :) Although I do beleive we must stand out, I think her perfection will make her stand out more than any hair color would!
I can't wait to see who wins. either would be lovely. So the battle begins. lol
Maybe they can compromise on the hair, a little of this and that. Either way she is stunning (or stunned by the look on her little face). I love the whole thing!
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